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Professional Issues in Software Engineering New ed

Frank Bott, Allison Coleman, Jack Eaton, Diane Rowlandall of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth

ISBN13: 9781857280425
ISBN: 1857280423
Published: February 1994
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

As with other engineering disciplines, it is becoming more and more common in software engineering education to address issues wider than mere technical knowledge. While much of the material in this book is applicable to any branch of engineering, there are several topics of great professional and public concern which impact primarily on software engineers. These are: the effect of new technology on employment; the safety and reliability of computer systems; intellectual property rights in software; computer contracts; computer misuse. This final year undergraduate textbook brings together the expertise and experience of academics in software engineering, law, industrial relations and health and safety. The book explains the central principles and issues which each field brings to software engineering.

The engineering profession; the structure of organizations; finance and accounting; anatomy of a software house; computer contracts; intellectual property rights; the framework of employee relations law and human resources management; implications of new technology for employee relations in software; health and safety at work; software safety; computer misuse and the criminal law.