This volume is primarily aimed at students studying German law. It should also be of interest to students of comparative law, academics working in the field of German constitutional, comparative law or German politics, and practising lawyers.
Part 1 General introduction to German constitutional law: historical development of the basic law; constitutional organs and basic constitutional principles; constitutional review; impact of the European community; the basic rights.
Part 2 The protection of specific civil liberties under the German basic law: human dignity (Art.1(1)BL); right to self-determination (Art.2(1)BL); right to life and bodily integrity (Art.2(2)(1)BL); right to personal freedom (Art.2(2)(2)BL and Art.104BL) and to freedom of movement (Art.11(1)BL); principle of equality (Art.3BL); freedom of religion and conscience (Art.4BL); freedom of expression, information, the press and broadcasting (Art.5(1)BL).