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Intellectual Property Policy for Non-industrial Countries

Assafa EndeshawSchool of Accountancy and Business, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

ISBN13: 9781855217546
ISBN: 1855217546
Published: December 1996
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This work examines whether intellectual property (IP) laws and practices in non-industrial countries (non-ICs) have evolved in the direction of facilitating their technological and economic development. Non-ICs in general are looked at before Africa is studied in depth.

The framework of inquiry - general theories of development of non-ICs, policy for economic development of non-ICs, technological developments in non-ICs, law and development; the course of intellectual property development in the major industrialized countries - evolutionary landmarks in IP, the rationale of intellectual property; a proposal for an intellectual property system in non-industrial countries - the state of IP in non-ICs, an alternative system of IP for non-ICs; the intellectual property regime in Africa - evolution of law in Africa, overview of intellectual property law in Africa, the growing importance of IP in African trade; features of Ethiopian economic and technological underdevelopment - a brief sketch of the state of the economy, the evolution and problems of technology; the evolution and current status of intellectual property laws in Ethiopia - evolution of pre-code laws relating to IP, current IP laws and practices; the state of innovative activity in Ethiopia and the case for intoducing legislation - industrial innovations and legal problems, the state of innovation in agriculture, a case study of innovation in stove technology; laws and practices in the acquisition of foreign technology in Ethiopia - legal regulation of import of technology, analysis of contracts for acquisition of technology, draft laws for the acquisition of foreign technology.