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The Nature and Sources of the Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781855216518
ISBN: 1855216515
Previous Edition ISBN: 005039
Published: April 1997
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

A reprint of the second edition of this work after John Chipman Gray's death in 1915, by his son, Roland Gray, in 1921.

The only differences are that some punctuation has been pruned, the odd error has been corrected, and layout has been changed slightly. Otherwise, this is Gray's original work.

John Chipman Gray, 1839-1915, was an American lawyer and law professor. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1861, served in the Civil War and then entered into the practice of law in Boston. In 1869, he began teaching at Harvard Law School and he continued both practice and teaching until the last years of his life. He was a leading advocate of the case system of teaching law and was a recognized authority both in the United States and England on the law of real property.

Jurisprudence, Legal History (Out of Print)
Part I Nature of the law: legal rights and duties; legal persons; the State; the law; the Courts; the law of nations; jurisprudence; statutes; judicial precedents; judicial precedents in the United States; opinions of experts; customs; morality and equity. Appendices: PII USUS in the later Roman Empire; Hereditas Jacens; reception of the Roman Law; desuetetude of Statutes in the United States.