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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been abandoned before publication:
Irish Competition Law: The Competition Act 2002 2nd ed isbn 9781847665508

Irish Competition Law: The Competition Act 2002

ISBN13: 9781854752895
ISBN: 1854752898
New Edition ISBN: 1847665500
Published: November 2003
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

""This new book explores Irish competition law in the light of the new Competition Act 2002 which largely came into effect in July 2002. This new Act which repealed the previous Competition Acts and the Monopolies and Merger Control Act 1978 makes important changes to Irish competition law, in particular to the area of mergers and acquisitions, as it introduces a new merger control regime. It should serve as a clear, concise guide to Irish competition law and will appeal to students and practitioners alike.The book can be purchased on its own or in conjunction with Competition Law and Practice (2001) for a set price.""

Irish Law
""Introduction. The Institutional Framework of Irish Competition Law. Anti-Competitive Arrangements. Abuse of Dominance. European Union Dimension. Enforcement. Civil Litigation. Criminal Litigation. Mergers and Acquisitions Generally. Media Mergers and Acquisitions. Appendices.""