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SWOT: Commercial and Consumer Law 4th ed

Graham StephensonSolicitor and Principal Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire, Peter ClarkPrincipal Lecturer in Law, University of Central Lancashire

ISBN13: 9781854318046
ISBN: 1854318047
Published: April 1998
Publisher: Blackstone Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

SWOT is an established series of study aids for law students, covering law subjects at every level, from A Level and degree, LPC and Bar exams. The books point out the problems which may be encountered by the student throughout the course, indicating the common pitfalls which contribute to under-achievement or failure in exams. ""SWOT""s are written by experienced law lecturers who are also examiners. Years of watching students make the same mistakes time after time have convinced them that these mistakes could be avoided if students followed a carefully structured approach to exam technique. Commercial and consumer law is a confusing mixture of common and statute law, both civil and criminal, which requires the student to have the full range of lawyer's skills. The authors highlight topics which are most likely to be found in examinations, illustrating problem areas, outlining points of techniques and providing sample questions.

Student Revision Aids
Part 1 Study techniques: lectures; seminars and tutorials; private study.
Part 2 Revision and examination techniques: revision; examination technique; examination technique and legal problems.
Part 3 Implied terms as to the quality of goods and services: substantive difficulties; illustrative question; commentary; practice question; further reading.
Part 4 Other implied terms in contracts for goods and services: substantive difficulties; illustrative question; commentary; further reading.
Part 5 Unfair contract terms: substantive difficulties; illustrative question; commentary; practice question; further reading.
Part 6 Title, property and risk; substantive difficulties; illustrative question; commentary; further reading.
Part 7 Defective goods and services - liability in tort: substantive difficulties; illustrative question; commentary; further reading.
Part 8 Classification of consumer credit agreements and joint and several liability: substantive difficulties; illustrative question; commentary;