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Borderlines in Private Law

Edited by: William Day, Julius Grower
Price: £90.00

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Practical Banking and Building Society Law

ISBN13: 9781854316288
ISBN: 1854316281
Published: October 1997
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £84.00

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With the extension of activities by banks and building societies, it is now difficult to demarcate between them. The differences that do still exist are largely due to the historical development of building societies and the purposes for which they were established. Many of the restrictions imposed on building societies have now been removed, but many prefer the freedom afforded to banks and have sought to register themselves under the Banking Act 1987.

This book examines the law relating to banks and building societies, highlighting the differences in the regulation process and activities of the two institutions. It takes a close look at the extent to which they are both governed by the same systems of law, particularly in respect of banker and customer relationships.

Divided into five parts, the book includes coverage of: issues relating to the role of the City of London as a financial centre; the impact of the EU and the creation of a single European market; the law relating to types of customer and contractual implications; methods of payment, including electronic methods and the implications of the transaction of cheques; bank finance and securities, including mortgage finance by building societies for house purcahse.

Banking and Finance
Part 1: The City of London as a financial centre;
what is a bank or building society?
Part 2: Regulation of the banking sector;
regulation of building societies
banking and the Single European Market.
Part 3: Customers;
the bank account
creation of the banker and customer relationship
termination of the banker and customer relationship.
Part 4: Negotiable instruments and the cheque as a bill of exchange;
rights and liabilities of the parties to a bill of exchange
cheques on a banker and the protection of the paying and collecting banks
payment by plastic card
credit transfers and direct debits
remedies to recover money.
Part 5: Bank finance;
bankers' securities
recovery and bank advances
mortgage finance by building societies for house purchase.
changes to the powers of the Bank of England
the banking code
APACS sample forms.