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Enquiries of Local Authorities
and Water Companies:
A Practical Guide 7th ed

 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
A Practical Approach to Local Government Law 2nd ed isbn 9780199283477

A Practical Approach to Local Government Law

ISBN13: 9781854315038
ISBN: 185431503X
New Edition ISBN: 9780199283477
Published: June 1999
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
Legislation in recent years has affected the ways in which local authorities carry out their functions. This title provides an overview of this complex subject and a guide to how the principles derived from case law and legislation are operated in practice.

The powers of local authorities have been subject to close scrutiny by the Court of Appeal in the cases of ""Credit Suisse v Allerdale Borough Council"" and ""Credit Suisse v Waltham Forest London Borough Council"". These cases should have a substantial effect on the way that local government lawyers advise on whether particular courses of conduct are likely to be beyond the powers of an authority.;The book is published at a time when local authorities are being encouraged to be innovative.

Recent amendments to the capital finance regulations are intended to facititate partnerships between councils and the private sector. The book examines these developments together with the rules which govern local authority participation in companies.;A particular theme of the book is how to ensure that challenges to decisions are avoided.

Local Government Law
Origins and structure
the decision-making process
local authority companies
local authority powers
information and publicity
by-laws and local legislation
challenges to local authorty decisions
local authorities and the law of tort
contracts, tendering and local authority procurement
local government finance - revenue
- capital
- audit.