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How to Win New Clients and Keep Them

ISBN13: 9781854311641
ISBN: 1854311646
Published: May 1991
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

A step-by-step guide for solicitors, explaining how to devise and carry through a marketing plan, win profitable new clients, sell more services to existing clients and increase prices without deterring new clients or upsetting old ones.;Whether solicitors like it or not, the author contends that these questions of marketing and promotion are of vital importance to all firms, large and small. The choice is not whether or not to use marketing skills, but whether to do it badly or professionally. It does not require huge ammounts of money. The smallest firm with a modest budget can make dramatic improvements.;The author's direct experience of assessing numerous firms of solicitors trying to sell their services has convinced him of the ease with which most could improve the way their potential clients view them.

Why bother with marketing; winning new clients; selling to existing clients; your database - your greatest asset; communication; printing; product development and pricing; media relations; sponsorship; exhibitions and other promotional ideas; joint ventures; advertising.