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Road Traffic Offences Handbook

ISBN13: 9781853289187
Published: October 2008
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Road traffic offences take up more court time than any other type of case. This practical handbook gives practitioners guidance on the main road traffic offences. The authors draw on their own experience of both prosecuting and defending in cases to give a balanced account of proceedings.

In addition, the book:-

  • deals with procedure in detail to show how the law works in practice;
  • signposts the reader for further research and materials;
  • offers useful tools including checklists and a table of offences for day-to-day practice;
  • and deals with all the new provisions in the upcoming Road Safety Act.
This handbook will prove to be an excellent first point of reference for practitioners in the office, at the police station and in court.

Road Traffic Law
1. Bad driving
2. Road markings and signs
3. Motorway driving
4. Drunk driving
5. Driving without consent
6. Excise and trade licences
7. Road worthiness of vehicles
8. Penalties and sentences
9. Procedure and case management
10. Trial and sentencing
11. Appeals