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Internet Marketing: Strategies for Law Firms

Edited by: Nicola Webb

ISBN13: 9781853288708
ISBN: 1853288705
Published: April 2003
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Despite its ups and downs, the Internet as a means of doing business is here to stay and, as with all other sectors, this business model has affected the legal services market. But, how do you go about making it work successfully?;This text gives you the low-down on each aspect of Internet marketing, such as: devising the strategy; researching your approach; designing and building your site; on- and off-line marketing; and on-going maintenance of Web communities. It has been written in a practical style, with fully comprehensive chapters, case examples and screen shots and should prove useful in helping to keep law firms ahead of the competition.

Legal Practice Management
Introduction, Nicola Webb; 1. Web strategies, Charles Christian, 2. Market research, Nicola webb; 3. Intranet Focus, Martin White; 4. Website design, Gina Lovell; 5. Search engine strategy, Nicole Webb; 6. CRM, Charles Christian; 7. Advertising, PR and marketing, Gerald Newman; 8. E-commerce, Stephen Maso; 9. Extranet workflow systems, Christopher Davis and Richard Russell; 10. Managing risk on the internet, Charles Christian, Rupert Kendrick and Stephen Mason.