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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
APIL Guide to Child Abuse Compensation Claims 2nd ed isbn 9781846612558

Child Abuse Compensation Claims

ISBN13: 9781853287176
ISBN: 1853287172
New Edition ISBN: 9781846612558
Published: March 2002
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This practical guide should provide lawyers with all the information they need to undertake compensation claims for clients who have suffered from physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

It has been written specifically for personal injury lawyers by practitioners with direct experience of the field and includes: a guide to the statutory framework affecting childcare in England and Wales from 1933 onwards; practical guidance on applying for public funding, preparing cases and dealing with clients; and information which is not readily available to lawyers.

Personal Injury Law
1. The background and history of child abuse claims,; 2. The statutory framework,; 3. Causes of action, ;4. Causation and damage,; 5. Limitation, ;6. Criminal injuries compensation, ;7. Evidence and Experts, ;8. Practical guidance in running child abuse compensation claims,; Appendices:; A. ;The case of John Doe,; B.; The case of Richard Doe, ;C.; Table of reported cases from X ( Minors ) v. Bedfordshire CC to date, ;D.; List of useful organisations.