Prison Law: A Practical Guide
ISBN13: 9781853285646
Published: December 2008
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Prison law practice is expanding, particularly as the impact of legislative changes is realised in greater breach proceedings and appeals to the Parole Board against licence recall.
As criminal practitioners become more involved in events post original sentence, the book will be an invaluable guide to other problems frequently encountered by prisoners, such as parole reviews, adjudications, security categorisation, and complaints.
This practical step-by-step guide provides practitioners with:-
- up-to-date changes to sentencing
- early release and release on licence
- Parole Board and recall hearings
- funding issues
- remedies and redress
- procedural guidance.
Prison Law is the ideal first source of reference when tackling any prison related case. A user friendly guide for criminal law practitioners, it sets out complex material in a clear and easily accessible style with helpful checklists, good practice tips and reference to the key documents.