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Multimodal Transport: Carrier Liability and Documentation

ISBN13: 9781850448945
ISBN: 1850448949
Published: May 1995
Publisher: Informa Law
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This work covers the common carrier liability and documentation issues. The book includes a comparative study of the law in six countries (Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the USA) regarding multimodal transport encompassing the various modes of transport.

In addition, the general law of obligations (contract and tort), which differs considerably between states has been provided, taking into account how it applies to a multimodal contract.;The book begins with a general description of the relevant concepts in the law of obligations of the various countries described, followed by an account of the attempts which have been made at harmonization of multimodal transport.

The central section is specifically concerned with the transport document and the problems which it generates, and this is supported by a score of practical examples of what can go wrong in a multimodal transport operation, where the legal dangers lie, and how they can possibly be avoided.

The final part is concerned with the complex and important problem of the liability of third parties, who have been employed as servants, agents or independent sub-contractors by the carrier, vis-a-vis the cargo interests.