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Green Taxation in East Asia

Edited by: Richard Cullen, Jefferson Vanderwolk, Yan Xu

ISBN13: 9781849803007
Published: September 2011
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £118.00

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The core concern of this book is the potential use of taxation and related measures to foster climate-helpful, large-scale change within East Asia. The contributing authors examine key issues such as how Greater China, for instance, confronts severe environmental problems which are a direct product of several decades of remarkable economic growth. The detailed analysis in this book identifies a range of green taxation guidelines for East Asia as it seeks to drive down striking levels of environmental degradation - and tackle the climate change challenge. Addressing an important need in the public policy debate, this book will appeal to academics, students, government policymakers, regulators and practitioners in environmental law, taxation law and policy, as well as, comparative environmental law and comparative taxation law and policy. Public policy commentators and journalists with an interest in the above areas will also find this book worthwhile and informative.

Other Jurisdictions , Taxation, Asia
Foreword Preface 1. Conspectus 2. Environmental Taxation in China: The Case of Transport Fuel Taxation 3. Green Tax Measures for Hong Kong: A Policy Proposal 4. Land Transportation in Singapore: Tax and Regulatory Policies to Promote Sustainable Development 5. Environmental Taxation in the United States: Retrospective and Prospective 6. Optimal Climate Change Tax Policy for Small Open Economies 7. Not Enough Room for Optimal Choices? The European Legal Framework for Green Taxes 8. Behavior Modifying Taxes, Emissions Trading and Tax Expenditure Reform: Market Based Responses to Climate Change in Australia 9. Green Taxation: The New Zealand Story 10. Concluding Thoughts: A Greener Future? Index