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Brexit: The Legal Framework for Renegotiation, Withdrawal or Association

ISBN13: 9781849468749
To be Published: April 2026
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £40.00

There is no doubt that the current scrutiny and debate on the UK relationship with the European Union has seen the topic dominate the political landscape. Though the debate about withdrawal or renegotiation will be a primarily political and economic one, either outcome would be defined in substance by a legal process. Inevitably, the answers to key political and economic question will be dependent upon the legal framework.

This book will offer a close examination of the legal issues at the core of the UK’s relationship with the EU to show how they will inform and influence that relationship’s future evolution. Written by one of the key commentators in the field, it will appeal to academics and practitioners. In addition, given the importance and topicality of the subject, it should also appeal to a non-legal readership.

EU Law, Brexit