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The Causes of War: Volume III: 1400 CE to 1650 CE

ISBN13: 9781849466462
Published: August 2017
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £80.00

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This is the third volume of a projected five-volume series charting the causes of war from 3000 BCE to the present day, written by a leading international lawyer, and using as its principal materials the documentary history of international law, largely in the form of treaties and the negotiations which led up to them.

These volumes seek to show why millions of people, over thousands of years, slew each other. In departing from the various theories put forward by historians, anthropologists and psychologists, Gillespie offers a different taxonomy of the causes of war, focusing on the broader settings of politics, religion, migrations and empire-building.

These four contexts were dominant and often overlapping justifications during the first four thousand years of human civilisation, for which written records exist.

Legal History
I. Introduction
1. The Conversation on Sunday Afternoon
2. Utopia
3. Facts
4. Casus Belli in Practice
5. This Volume

II. Crowns, Dynasty and Territory
1. Introduction
2. The Hundred Years' War
3. The Wars of the Roses 7
4. The Wars for the Expansion of France
5. The Italian Wars
6. Conclusion

III. Religious Wars in Europe: The Beginning
1. Introduction
2. The Absolute Power of the Pope
3. The Hussite Wars
4. Albert II, Frederick III and Maximilian I
5. Martin Luther
6. The Peasants' War
7. The Influence of Luther
8. War in Germany
9. The Peace of Augsburg
10. Conclusion

IV. Religion and Power in England
1. Introduction
2. Henry VIII
3. Edward VI
4. Mary Tudor
5. Elizabeth I
6. James I/VI
7. Conclusion

V. The Wars of Religion in France
1. Introduction
2. The Huguenots
3. Conclusion

VI. The Rise of the Dutch Republic
1. Introduction
2. A Legacy of Autonomy
3. William of Orange
4. The Act of Abjuration
5. Philip III and the Twelve Years' Truce
6. Conclusion

VII. The Culmination: The Thirty Years' War
1. Introduction
2. The Irony
3. Rudolf II
4. The Rebellion in Bohemia
5. Frederick V
6. Containing the War
7. The Expanding War: Denmark
8. The Expanding War: Sweden
9. The Expanding War: France
10. The Peace of Westphalia
11. Rethinking War: Crucé, Sully and Grotius
12. Conclusion

VIII. The English Civil War
1. Introduction
2. Charles I
3. The First Civil War
4. The Second Civil War
5. Conclusion

IX. Eastern Europe
1. Introduction
2. Poland and Lithuania
3. Russia
4. Conclusion

X. The New World
1. Introduction
2. Precedents
3. The New World
4. The Requirement
5. England and the New World
6. The Colonies in North America
7. Slavery
8. Conclusion

XI. The Muslim World
1. Introduction
2. Inter-Family Wars and Coups
3. Inter-Islam Wars: Sunni v Sunni
4. Inter-Islam Wars: Sunni v Shia
5. Muslim and Christian Wars
6. Conclusion

XII. Asia
1. Introduction
2. The Ming and Their Neighbours
3. The Imjin War
4. The Qing
5. Conclusion

XIII. Conclusion

Series: Gillespie: The Causes of War

The Causes of War: Volume V: 1800-1850 ISBN 9781509961986
To be published June 2025
Hart Publishing
The Causes of War, Volume V: 1800-1850 (eBook) ISBN 9781509912384
Published December 2023
Hart Publishing
The Causes of War, Volume V: 1800-1850 ISBN 9781509912407
Published December 2023
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The Causes of War: Volume IV: 1650-1800 ISBN 9781509912179
Published January 2021
Hart Publishing
The Causes of War: Volume IV: 1650-1800 (eBook) ISBN 9781509912193
Published January 2021
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The Causes of War: Volume III: 1400 CE to 1650 CE ISBN 9781509935710
Published December 2019
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The Causes of War: Volume II: 1000 CE to 1400 CE ISBN 9781509928842
Published May 2019
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The Causes of War: Volume III: 1400 CE to 1650 CE (eBook) ISBN 9781509917655
Published August 2017
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The Causes of War: Volume II: 1000 CE to 1400 CE (eBook) ISBN 9781782259558
Published December 2016
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The Causes of War: Volume II: 1000 CE to 1400 CE ISBN 9781849466455
Published December 2016
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The Causes of War Volume I: 3000 BCE to 1000 CE ISBN 9781849465007
Published October 2013
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The Causes of War Volume I: 3000 BCE to 1000 CE (eBook) ISBN 9781782255970
Published October 2013
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