International Environmental Law is now a standard course for both undergraduate and postgraduate law students all over the world.
This collection follows the essential structure of environmental regulation, in an attempt to provide a clear picture of the mechanics of the system. It is comprised of a "General Part" (General Principles, Procedural Obligations and Civil liability and non-compliance procedures); selected "Sectoral regimes" (both the fundamental elements of the natural environment: habitat, sea, atmosphere, freshwater resources, polar regions, and the primary regimes of man-made intervention: nuclear power, chemicals, waste); and "Interface regimes" (Trade and Environment, Human Rights and Environment, Armed Conflict and Environment). It covers not only instruments of global application but also selected documents of regional origin but with a far more widespread impact. The interactive mélange of global and regional is a particular advantage of this volume.
This collection will appeal to students and lecturers alike, as it covers all aspects of a course on the topic. It is also a useful desk reference for research students and scholars as well as environmental and international law practitioners.