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Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges' Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity

Edited by: Mairead Enright, Julie McCandless, Aoife O'Donoghue

ISBN13: 9781849465748
Published: February 2017
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £74.99

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The Irish project Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges' Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity builds upon the work of the feminist judgment project completed at Durham and Kent and which integrated feminist theory and judicial method, re-writing influential judgments from feminist perspectives.

The project will produce an anthology of re-written judgments from Northern/Ireland as well as innovative web resources with materials of use to both academics and civil society. Bringing together academic partners at institutions across the UK and Ireland including the Law Schools at Kent, LSE, UCD, UCC, Queen's Belfast, and the University of Ulster, with solicitors, barristers and civil society groups, the project creates a broad new community of Irish feminist scholars around an ambitious Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments Project.

The project will create tangible resources which can be used to engender a societal dialogue about legal decision-making and social change, developing dynamic resources for future research and teaching in judicial studies. The project focuses on the gendered political roles of judges in contexts of transition from conflict, colonialism and religious patriarchy.

Northern Ireland Law, Irish Law
1. Introduction: Troubling Judgment
Julie McCandless, Máiréad Enright and Aoife O'Donoghue
2. 'Involuntary Patriotism': Judgment, Women and National Identity on the Island of Ireland
Máiréad Enright
3. Doing Feminist Judgments
Mary Shine Thompson
4. Judging and the Judgment Writing Process: A Northern/Irish Perspective
Aoife O'Donoghue

5. McGee v Attorney General
Commentary: Emilie Cloatre and Máiréad Enright
Judgment: Máiréad Enright
6. Flynn v Power
Commentary: Deirdre McGowan
Judgment: Eoin Daly
7. MhicMhathúna v Attorney General
Commentary: Colm O'Cinnéide
Judgment: Liam Thornton
8. Matrimonial Homes Bill
Commentary: Louise Crowley
Judgment: Lucy-Ann Buckley
9. National and Provincial Building Society v Lynd
Commentary: David Capper
Judgment: Lorna Fox O'Mahony
10. The Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into the 'Kerry Babies Case'
Commentary: Yvonne Marie Daly
Judgment: Vicky Conway

11. McGimpsey v Ireland
Commentary: Ruth Alice Houghton
Judgment: Aoife O'Donoghue
12. In Re White
Commentary: Carmel Roulston
Judgment: Catherine O'Rourke
13. Lobe v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Commentary: Hilkka Becker
Judgment: Siobhán Mullally and Cliodhna Murphy
14. Zappone and Gilligan v The Revenue Commissioners, Ireland and the Attorney General
Commentary: Siobhán Wills and Máiréad Enright
Judgment: Fiona de Londras
15. In Re E (a child) (the 'Holy Cross' case)
Commentary: Christine Bell FBA
Judgment: Colin Murray
16. O'Keeffe v Hickey
Commentary: Laura Hilly
Judgment: Maeve O'Rourke
17. Christian Brothers High School Clonmel v Mary Stokes and the Equality Authority
Commentary: Claire Bruton
Judgment: Olivia Smith

18. Attorney General v X
Commentary: Sheelagh McGuinness
Judgment: Ruth Fletcher
19. North Western Health Board v HW and CW (the PKU case)
Commentary: Donal Coffey
Judgment: Maebh Harding
20. PM v The Board of Management of St Vincent's Hospital andJustin Geoghegan and the Attorney General
Commentary: Claire Murray
Judgment: Mary Donnelly
21. Re Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v The Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Commentary: Sara Ramshaw
Judgment: Kathryn McNeilly
22. Society for the Protection of Unborn Children's Application for Judicial Review
Commentary: John Kennedy
Judgment: Claire McCann

23. DPP v Tiernan
Commentary: Liz Campbell
Judgment: Louise Kennefi ck and Caroline Fennell
24. McKinley v Minister for Defence
Commentary: Fergus Ryan
Judgment: Joanne Conaghan
25. BJM v CM
Commentary: Christine Ryan
Judgment: Aideen Ryan and Katie Dawson
26. DPP v C
Commentary: Anna Arstein-Kerslake
Judgment: Eilionóir Flynn and Sinéad Ring
27. CC v Ireland
Commentary: Cian Ó Concubhair
Judgment: David Prendergast
28. Foy v Ant-Ard Chláraitheoir
Commentary: Ivana Bacik
Judgment: Tanya Ní Mhuirthile
29. Barnes v Belfast City Council
Commentary: Fiona Cooke
Judgment: Marie Fox
30. A and B (by C) v A (Health and Social Services Trust)
Commentary: Marian Duggan
Judgment: Julie McCandless