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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
European Capital Markets Law 2nd ed isbn 9781782256526

European Capital Markets Law

Edited by: Rudiger Veil

ISBN13: 9781849464406
New Edition ISBN: 9781782256526
Published: May 2013
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

European capital markets law has developed rapidly in recent years, in the form of four framework directives and numerous implementing directives aimed at improving the integrity and functioning of capital markets.

The financial crisis has given further impetus to the development of a European supervisory structure. This book systematises the European directives and examines both the underlying concepts from a broadly interdisciplinary perspective. National differences in selected Member States – Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom – are also explored.

The first chapter deals with the foundations of capital markets law in Europe, the second explains the basics, and the third examines the rules ensuring market integrity (particularly insider dealing, market manipulation and short selling). Chapter four explores the disclosure system.

The roles of intermediaries, such as investment firms, financial analysts and rating agencies, are described in chapter five, and chapter six deals with compliance in investment firms. Throughout the book emphasis is placed on legal practice, and frequent reference is made to the key decisions of supervisory authorities and courts.

The book will be useful to students, researchers and practitioners, including attorneys and supervisory authorities.

Banking and Finance
1 Foundations of Capital Markets Legislature in Europe
1. History
2. Concept and Aims of Capital Markets Regulation
3. Legislative Powers for Regulating Capital Markets in Europe
4. Process and Strategies of Capital Markets Regulation in Europe
5Sources of Law and Principles of Interpretation
6. Challenges for Academic Research and Teaching

2 Basics of Capital Markets Law
7. Capital Markets
8. Financial Instruments
9. Market Participants
10. Access to the Markets and Market Exit
11. Capital Markets Supervision in Europe
12. Sanctions

3 Market Integrity
13. Insider Dealing
14. Market Manipulation
15. Short Selling

4 Disclosure System
16. Foundations
17. Prospectus Disclosure
18. Periodic Disclosure
19. Disclosure of Inside Information
20. Transparency of Major Shareholdings and Financial Instruments
21. Directors' Dealings
22. Access to Information
23. Disclosure of Information Necessary for Shareholders to Exercise their Rights
24. Disclosure Obligations in Takeover Law

5 Intermediaries
25. Investment Firms
26. Financial Analysts
27. Rating Agencies

6 Compliance in Investment Firms
28. Foundations
29. Organisational Requirements

7 Conclusion
30. A Review of the Past and Suggestions for the Future