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Statutes on the Conflict of Laws

Edited by: Martin George, Andrew Dickinson

ISBN13: 9781849463430
Published: September 2015
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £31.99

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Statutes on the Conflict of Laws is intended to provide students with all of the current, relevant UK and EU legislation encountered in the study of private international law in one clear and easy-to-use volume.

The legislation is not annotated, enabling the book to be used in examinations. It has been structured and designed so that students can find the material they need quickly and efficiently; it will include separate chronological and alphabetical tables of contents.

Conflict of Laws, Student Statutes
I. European Union Materials
A. Treaties
B. Regulations
C. Directives
D. Decisions
E. Conventions to which the EU is a party
II. United Kingdom Statutes
III. United Kingdom Statutory Instruments
IV. Rules of Procedure