International Criminal Law 4th ed
ISBN13: 9781849460453
Published: September 2010
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
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This treatise covers the entire range of international criminal law, encompassing substantive crimes, procedural aspects and enforcement.
It examines not only the core crimes encountered before the International Criminal Court and the various ad hoc tribunals, but also analyses most other international and transnational crimes - such as terrorism, piracy and other crimes perpetrated in maritime belts, corruption, organised crime and others.
The book also deals in discrete chapters with matters relating to:-
- jurisdiction,
- mutual legal assistance,
- extradition,
- abduction,
- international police co-operation,
- evidence before international tribunals,
- the nature and politics of all existing or past international criminal tribunals,
- rights of victims in international criminal proceedings,
- and finally the various forms of international criminal liability, including command responsibility.
A new feature of the book is that it also takes account of the growing case law and legislative activity in the emergent field of EU criminal law.