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Creativity, Law and Entrepreneurship

Edited by: Shubha Ghosh, Robin Paul Malloy

ISBN13: 9781848449879
Published: May 2011
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £122.00

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Creativity, Law and Entrepreneurship addresses the relationship between law (institutions and regulations) and entrepreneurship (human activity with the aim of creating something new). Human activity is the essence of entrepreneurship. What unites law and creativity, work and play, is their shared origins in this activity. In this book, a varied group of scholars examine the building blocks of entrepreneurship by not only addressing the legal institutions that might regulate and promote enterprise, but by also exploring the very idea of creativity. The contributions to this volume provide a set of guideposts for understanding the connections among law, markets and human activities. They include chapters on: empirical evidence about creativity in the realm of patent, copyright, and trademark; exploration of our understanding of the transition from physical work to the mental work of inventing and creating and; examination of the legal process of patenting, contracting and transacting more generally. Collectively, the book explores the meanings and functions of creativity, and the role of law and legal institutions in promoting and sustaining entrepreneurial activity. Scholars, students and practitioners in entrepreneurship, law and the wide range of fields that are interested in, and benefit from, creative human activity will find this volume illuminating.

Commercial Law
Preface Dedication 1. Introduction: Can We Incentivize Creativity and Entrepreneurship? Shubha Ghosh 2. Real Estate Transactions and Entrepreneurship Robin Paul Malloy 3. Creativity and Craft Michael J. Madison 4. 'Will Work': The Role of Intellectual Property in Transitional Economies - From Coal to Content Megan M. Carpenter 5. Transforming the Chicago School Approach to Creativity in Copyright Steven A. Hetcher 6. The Central Role of Law as a Meta Method in Creativity and Entrepreneurship Sean M. O'Connor 7. Individual Branding: How the Rise of Individual Creation and Distribution of Cultural Products Confuses the Intellectual Property System Deven R. Desai 8. Creativity Without Copyright: Anarchist Publishers and their Approaches to Copyright Protection Debora Halbert 9. Patenting by High Technology Entrepreneurs Stuart J.H. Graham and Ted Sichelman 10. The Evolution of Collaborative Invention at a Distance: Evidence from the Patent Record Richard S. Gruner 11. Institutionalization of Creativity in Traditional Societies and in International Trade Law Christoph Beat Graber Bibliography Index