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The Law and Economics of Corporate Governance: Changing Perspectives

ISBN13: 9781848448971
Published: August 2010
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £118.00

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In this timely book, the law and economics of corporate governance is approached from a range of angles. This study reveals that perspectives are changing: they differ between the economic and the legal standpoint; they vary across countries; they evolve over time. A group of leading scholars offer their views - some provide fresh empirical evidence on existing theories; others attempt to develop new theoretical insights based on empirical puzzles. They all analyse the economics of corporate governance with a view to how it should, or should not, be regulated. Economic analysis of law proves to be the common language for understanding corporate governance on both sides of the Atlantic. The law and economics approach is applied to topical issues in the international debate, such as the harmonization of company laws; regulatory competition; determinants of separation of ownership and control; enforcement of investor protection; and the political economy of corporate governance.

Company Law