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Valuation of Unquoted Companies 5th ed

ISBN13: 9781847982155
Previous Edition ISBN: 1845040147
Published: July 2009
Publisher: Croner-i
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Since it was first published in 1986, Valuation of Unquoted Companies has maintained itself at the forefront of share valuation theory and practice, In this fifth edition, Christopher Glover has carefully updated the text throughout to ensure that the book maintains its premier position.

This fifth edition takes into account the Companies Act 2006, the most significant overhaul of companies legislation in 50 years. It now includes a separate chapter devoted to the increasingly popular discounted cash flow valuation technique. The book's trenchant criticism of the efficient market hypothesis and modern portfolio theory are essential reading for those who assess the appropriate discount rate using this theoretical framework.

The book's commitment to a sound rational basis and the identification of each subjective judgment in the valuation process remains throughout. A major part of the book is devoted to the practical organisation of the valuation assignment, including a standard valuation questionnaire, model engagement letters and a full range of case studies. It also contains a useful section on stock market data and economic statistics relevant to capital gains tax valuations at 31 March 1982.

Company Law, Taxation