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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Protest Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9781526514004

The Protest Handbook

ISBN13: 9781847669810
New Edition ISBN: 9781526514004
Published: April 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback + Online Updating
Price: Out of print

The Protest Handbook is a clear and accessible guide to protest law and the only handbook available that exclusively covers both the criminal and civil aspects of this area of the law.

Guiding practitioners and non-practitioners through the process from beginning to end, The Protest Handbook is presented in five clear chapters that relate to each stage of a potential case. The chapters include practical assistance in line with protesters’ experience of attending demonstrations, the chronological structure of a case, relevant areas of substantive law in sections that cover groups of similar offences, the topical issue of the law relating to occupations and remedies available where protesters’ rights have been infringed.

Drawing together all relevant provisions, this handy volume ensures relevant authorities are complete and cross-referenced, thus making the whole area of the law easy to research and digest. It covers the new DPP Guidance on charging protesters, plus the following list of legislation, case law and more:-

  • Austin v UK, ECtHR Grand Chamber, Judgment 15th March 2012
  • Police Reform and Social Responsibilities Act 2011, ss141-149
  • Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008
  • R v Jones and others (2007) 1 AC 136
  • R (LaPorte) v Chief Constable of Gloucestershire (2007) 2 AC 105
  • Police (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2004
  • Police Reform Act 2002
  • Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
  • Public Order Act 1986
  • Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
  • European Convention on Human Rights
Most helpfully, to assist practitioners in staying up to date on protest law, an online updating service provides purchasers of the book with updates on developments in the law that can be cross-referenced with the text.

The Protest Handbook is an essential title for all barristers and solicitors who work in criminal practice, as well as charities, organisations and community groups that provide advice and support for protests and protesters.

Tom Wainwright and Anna Morris are barristers at Garden Court Chambers, Owen Greenhall is a barrister and former member of the ‘Climate Camp’ legal team and Katherine Craig is a solicitor at the leading human rights firm, Christian Khan.

All four are committed protest lawyers with a strong reputation and wide experience in protecting and upholding the rights of protestors, particularly their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Criminal Law, Police and Public Order Law
Chapter 1 Powers, rights and procedure: Police powers at protests
At the police station

Chapter 2 Criminal court procedural issues: First appearance at the magistrates’ court
Summary trial procedure
Abuse of process

Chapter 3 Common offences and defences: Assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer in the execution of their duty
Aggravated trespass
Criminal damage
‘Public order’ offences
Failing to comply with orders
Breach of the peace
Obstruction of the highway
Miscellaneous offences
General defences
European Convention on Human Rights

Chapter 4 Occupations: What is an occupation?
Criminal law
Civil law

Chapter 5 Holding the police to account: Which remedy?
Funding complaints and civil actions against the police
Complaints against the police
Civil actions against the police
Judicial review proceedings.