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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Criminal Disclosure Referencer 2nd ed isbn 9781784518790

Disclosure Referencer

ISBN13: 9781847669438
New Edition ISBN: 9781784518790
Published: December 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Disclosure Referencer is a new practitioner guide on the complex issue of disclosure in criminal proceedings.

It brings together all the relevant legislation, codes, rules, regulations, protocols and case law relating to the disclosure of evidence and materials in criminal proceedings both at Crown and Magistrates' level and allows the reader to quickly and effectively see where their duties lie and how best those duties can be fulfilled for each type of criminal case.

It is designed to be a daily reference tool that immediately enables the practitioner to identify the rules and regulations which are relevant to each stage of the investigation and process.

The book follows the course of a criminal investigation from the initial complaint through to the conclusion of the trial to ensure that the reader fully understands the process by way of checklists and reference to relevant case law and materials.

Criminal Law, Courts and Procedure
The role of the police
Disclosure outside the CIPA
Disclosure in the Magistrates Court
Initial disclosure
Drafting the Defence Case Statement and
defence duties of disclosure
Defence requests for disclosure
Disclosure Counsel
The duty of continuing disclosure
Defence applications for further disclosure
Third Party Material
Scientific evidence
Expert evidence
Public interest immunity
Control and management of heavy fraud and other complex criminal cases.