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Confiscation Law Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9781784514235

Confiscation Law Handbook

ISBN13: 9781847667076
New Edition ISBN: 9781784514235
Published: September 2011
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

A practical handbook suitable for the busy practitioner or practitioner new to the field dealing with all the basic aspects of confiscation law including civil remedies.

This book is useful for those giving advice at trial stage on the future impact of confiscation proceedings. A clear analysis of the proliferating caselaw in the field allows principles to be quickly identified and understood and a stage by stage explanation of the procedural requirements ensures that required forms and responses are completed well and within time limits.

It provides a review of all the key confiscation provisions of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 including Part V civil recovery provisions, the use of which is set to expand.

Criminal Law, Money Laundering
Chapter 1: A brief history and overview of confiscation law
Chapter 2: Basic principles of confiscation law
Chapter 3: Restraint
Chapter 4: Practice and procedure
Chapter 5: Cash seizures
Chapter 6: Enforcement, reconsideration of orders and appeals and the dead, absconded and insolvent
Chapter 7: Case law
Chapter 8 : Civil recovery
Chapter 9: Third-party interests
Appendix 1 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
Appendix 2 Criminal Procedure Rules 2010
Appendix 3 Magistrates' Court (Detention and Forfeiture of Cash) Rules 2002
Appendix 4: Attorney General guidance to prosecuting bodies on their asset recovery powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
Appendix 5: Guidance for Prosecutors on the Discretion to Instigate Confiscation Proceedings.