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Local Government Contracts and Procurement 3rd ed

Edited by: Rebecca Rees, Amardeep Gill

ISBN13: 9781847666970
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781845923129
To be Published: January 2026
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £165.00

Local Government Contracts and Procurement, Third Edition is a truly accessible guide to the complex regulatory regime governing local authority contracting and tendering. The third edition will guide the reader easily through the key stages of a local government procurement exercise, providing detailed coverage of preparation; tendering; selecting; UK and EU constraints, and negotiating and managing commercial contracts.

Fully revised and updated, Local Government Contracts and Procurement 3ed provides:

  • Coverage of the implication and application of new procurement Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • New case studies including joint ventures, trading companies and mutuals

This user-friendly book will act as a day-to-day reference work, providing easy access to topical case studies, contents and sample clauses, useful advice on drafting techniques and a discussion of contractual principles. This is essential reading for everyone advising on or involved in tendering, selecting, negotiating and managing commercial contracts in local government.

Local Government Law, Contract Law, Public Procurement
Part 1 - Principles of Procurement
1. Preparing for Procurement
2. Why do we have procurement rules and what are their benefits?
3. The Procurement Act 2023
4. Procurement methodologies
5. Procurement Hygiene: navigating conflicts of interest and fighting fraud

Part II: Contracts: Contents and Principles
6. Contracts: content and principles
7. Drafting principles 8. Managing Contracts
9. Intellectual Property Rights
10. Dispute Resolution
11. Statutory powers of local authorities exercise and scrutiny
12. The key principles of good governance
13. Partnership arrangements including joint ventures and joint venture companies
14. Public-Private Partnerships and other complex contracts
15. Artificial Intelligence and cyber risks - issues for procurement and contracts
16. The Commercial Council
17. Affected staff, TUPE and pensions
18. Sustainable Procurement and Social Value
19. Planning Powers to deliver regional change
20. Sustainable local government finances after austerity and the s114 crisis

Part III - Case Studies
21. Handling a successful prosecution
22. Real Estate as a tool for economic recovery
23. Shared services and strategic service partnerships
24. Housing Projects
25. Leisure and sporting events
26. Delivering Transport Projects
27. The Future of Devolution
28. The road to Net Zero
29. IT procurement
30. Procuring a waste project