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Managing Risk in Financial Firms: The Practicalities Without the Maths 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781847663030
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406929564
Published: June 2009
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: A4 Paperback
Price: £400.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

The book provides a description and explanation of the types of risk that financial institutions face. Aimed at in-house counsel of financial institutions and those who advise them, it provides highly practical guidance on how to deal with these risks and put in place measures to minimise exposure to them. Where necessary, the book includes checklists and diagrammatic explanations/illustrations.

New for this edition:-

  • Insolvency legislation
  • Customer issues: general regulatory, unfair contract terms, jurisdiction, treating customers fairly, best execution, misselling
  • Liquidity risk
  • Previously called - Risk Management Handbook

Banking and Finance
1. Introduction to Risk
2. Risk Measurement
3. Regulatory Risk
4. Customer Risk
5. Business Risk
6. Operational Risks
7. Market Risk
8. Liquidity Risk
9. Credit risk
10. Counterparty risk
11. Legal Risk
12. Systemic Risk