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Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781847317667
Published: June 2011
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £67.49 - Unavailable at Publisher
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First published 30 years ago, Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law was a landmark publication, designed and written for students taking degree level courses in EU law. In the intervening years new editions have appeared at regular intervals, firmly establishing the book as a reliable and authoritative text.

While the book cannot cover every aspect of the subject matter, it nevertheless offers comprehensive coverage of those aspects of EU law most commonly studied at degree level.

  • Part I introduces the history and foundations of the Union's primary law.
  • Part II looks at the Union's institutions, decision-making procedures and competences.
  • Part III deals with the constitutional fundamentals of direct effect and supremacy, effective judicial protection before national courts, general principles of Union law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • Part IV deals with the Union judiciary, focusing on direct actions before the Union courts and preliminary references from national courts.
  • Part V covers the internal market: free movement of goods, Union citizenship, workers, establishment and services, the services directive, corporate establishment and company law harmonisation.
  • Part VI deals with competition law: Articles 101, 102 TFEU, enforcement issues and other related competition issues.
  • Part VII then includes two brand new chapters – one dealing with the area of freedom, security and justice, the other concerned with the EU's external relations.

    The book holds to its reputation as being both broad and profound, the ideal foundation for gaining a deep understanding of EU law. This edition reflects the law post-Lisbon. It has also been re-structured and re-designed, so as to facilitate ease-of-use. Its original authors, Derrick Wyatt and Alan Dashwood, continue to make a significant contribution.

    Previously published by Sweet & Maxwell

EU Law, eBooks
1. From the Founding Treaties to the Treaty of Lisbon
2. An Overview of the Union's Primary Law
3. The Institutions of the European Union
4. The Union's Decision-making Procedures
5. The System of Union Competences
6. Direct Actions Before the Union Courts
7. References for Preliminary Rulings
8. The Direct Effect and Supremacy of Union Law
9. Judicial Protection of Union Rights before the National Courts
10. General Principles of Union Law
11. Fundamental Rights
12. The Charter of Fundamental Rights
13. Fiscal Barriers to the Free Movement of Goods
14. The Free Movement of Goods: Quantitative Restrictions and Measures Having Equivalent Effect
15. Union Citizenship and the Rights to Move and Reside in the European Union
16. Freedom of Movement for Workers
17. The Right of Establishment and the Freedom to Provide Services
18. The Directive on Services in the Internal Market
19. Mutual Recognition of Diplomas, Training and Experience, and the Co-ordination of National Qualifications
20. Corporate Establishment, Cross-border Acquisitions and Golden Shares
21. Company Law Harmonisation
22. Introduction to EU Competition Law
23. Article 101: Cartels and Anti-competitive Agreements
24. Abuse of Dominance: Article 102
25. Enforcement of Articles 101 and 102
26. State Aid and State Regulation
27. External Action
28. The Legal Effects of International Agreements"