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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements and their Enforcement 3rd ed isbn 9780414034310

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements and their Enforcement 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781847038975
New Edition ISBN: 9780414034310
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421904801
Published: September 2010
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements and their Enforcement 2nd edition:-

  • Offers a unique and comprehensive treatment of both jurisdiction and arbitration agreements and the enforcement of consequent judgments;
  • Supplies detailed guidance on their validity, scope, construction and incorporation;
  • Presents practical solutions to the problems that can arise in the enforcement of agreements;
  • Looks at the remedies from both EU and common law perspectives;
  • Features precedents relating to anti-suit injunctions and declaratory relief;
  • Considers all of the hundred or more important decisions of the English and European courts in this field since the previous edition;
  • Features a brand new chapter on the enforcement of arbitral awards under the New York Convention;
  • Discusses the impact of the new Lugano Convention which came into force in January 2010;
  • Includes an expanded section on interim relief granted by arbitral tribunals covering the latest jurisprudence in investment treaty arbitration;
  • Contains a new chapter on the enforcement of arbitration agreements involving States and State entities;
  • Analyses the important proposals for reform of the Brussels I Regulation currently under discussion;

  • Subjects:
    Conflict of Laws, Courts and Procedure, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
    Overview of the European framework.
    Formal requirements of jurisdiction and arbitration agreements.
    Nature and construction of jurisdiction and arbitration agreements.
    Incorporation of jurisdiction and arbitration agreements.
    The governing law of the dispute resolution agreement and other choice of law issues.
    Parties - Who is bound? Who can enforce?
    Relationship with international convention and foreign law.
    Commencement of proceedings or arbitration.
    Stay of proceedings / Declining jurisdiction.
    Stay (Arbitration).
    Restraining injunctions and orders.
    Declaratory relief.
    Enforcement of judgments and orders.
    Enforcement of awards.
    Enforcement of mediation agreements.