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Adoption Law:
A Practical Guide 2nd ed

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Enquiries of Local Authorities
and Water Companies:
A Practical Guide 7th ed

 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Highway Law 5th ed isbn 9780414024908

Highway Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781847036124
New Edition ISBN: 9780414024908
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421874902
Published: September 2009
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Highway Law is a popular and well established practitioner text on all aspects of highway law. The new edition supplies a detailed and practical commentary on the law relating to the creation, upkeep, development and ownership of highways, including the powers and duties of highway authorities, the rights of users of the highway and of those who own land around the highway.

It deals with the impact of wide-ranging recent legislation, from the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Traffic Management Act 2004, and case law under them, to the Traffic Wardens & Parking Attendants Act 2005 and the Historic Counties, Towns and Villages (Traffic Signs and Mapping) Bill.

  • Provides the practitioner with a complete reference to the law governing highways
  • Includes new sections dedicated to Wales and London
  • Delivers a concise and precise analysis of the law, written in a straightforward and accessible style
  • Examines key topics such as traffic orders, footpaths, bridleways and right of access
  • Deals with the impact of the Human Rights Act in this area
  • Reproduces key legislation and summaries of relevant procedures and Orders

Property Law
Highways and highway authorities.
Creation of highways.
Rights of the highway authority and of adjoining landowners in, under and over the highway.
The maintenance of highways.
Civil liability of highway authorities.
Improvement of highways.
Protection of the highway and of the highway users (1): Public nuisance and remedies
Protection of the highway and of the highway users. (2): Statutory powers relating to authorised and unauthorised interferences with the highway.
Extinguishment and diversion of highways.
Streets and private streets.
Footpaths and bridleways.
Access to open land.
Street works.
Acquisition of land, compulsory purchase powers, inquiries and compensation.
Miscellaneous matters.