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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Medical Negligence 5th ed isbn 9780414028487

Medical Negligence 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781847034892
New Edition ISBN: 9780414028487
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847030238
Published: December 2008
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Medical Negligence provides comprehensive analysis of the potential legal liabilities of healthcare professionals as they arise from the provision of medical treatment to patients. It discusses substantive law in the area of medical negligence, and provides high-level commentary on the wide-ranging issues that have or will have impact on practice in this area.

The 4th edition includes new chapters on emerging issues in medical negligence practice, damages, and an expanded practice and procedure chapter.

  • Provides thorough analysis of the tort of negligence as it applies to the provision of health care
  • Offers clear, concise analysis for both generalist and specialist legal practitioners
  • Discusses the liability of doctors as well as dentists, nurses and pharmacists
  • Covers both the general principles of medical negligence and specific areas, such as consent to medical treatment, defective products, confidentiality and the liability of hospitals
  • Examines emerging issues related to medical negligence practice including the Redress Bill, access to treatment, patient autonomy and complaints
  • Provides thorough coverage of defences and limitation
  • Analyses current case law and interprets applicable legislation
  • Includes a glossary of medical terms
  • Regular supplements ensure up-to-date coverage of the latest legal developments

Personal Injury Law, Medical Law and Bioethics
Medical negligence in context.
The basis of liability.
Standard of care – general principles.
Standard of care – specific instances.
Causation and remoteness of damage.
Consent to treatment.
Informed consent.
The duty of confidence.
Liability of hospitals and contribution.
Defective products.
Healthcare and public law issues.
Defences and limitation.
Practice and procedure.