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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Law and Regulation of Investment Management 3rd ed isbn 9780414054905

Law and Regulation of Investment Management 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781847034878
New Edition ISBN: 9780414054905
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421835702
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Investment management is a fast-growing area of practice. The law and regulation continues to evolve around it. In a field which is so closely scrutinised, it has never been more important to ensure you have the right guidance.

Law and Regulation of Investment Management helps guide you through the regulatory and legislative maze with legal analysis and practical advice, providing a detailed understanding of this intricate area.

The comprehensive treatment of investment funds in the UK offers a detailed understanding of the nature, structure and regulation of these instruments. With MiFID in place and the resulting amendments to the FSMA and FSA rules, a firm grasp of the ramifications for practice is essential.

This new edition provides practical analysis and advice on how to gainfully adapt to these changes. Key areas covered include hedge funds, closed end funds, private equity funds and Shariah compliant investment. The author examines in detail the complex relationship between the fund manager and the investors of the fund, enabling the reader to fully understand their roles, powers and obligations.

  • Includes analysis of national and international case law;
  • Looks at the nature of the client services relationship;
  • Considers internal compliance and the ramifications of conflicts of interest and information barriers;
  • Provides and overview of key US legislation impacting on investment funds;
  • Covers investment management in the US, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland and Hong Kong;

Banking and Finance
Chapter 1: Overview
Chapter 2: Authorisation
Chapter 3: Judgment
Chapter 4: The Management Contract

Chapter 5: Overview
Chapter 6: Legal Nature of the Client Relationship
Chapter 7: The Regulatory Client
Chapter 8: Fiduciary Duties and Conflicts
Chapter 9: Investment Management and Occupational Pension Schemes
Andrew Powell and Georgina Rankin, Squire Sanders Hammonds

Chapter 10: Implementation
Chapter 11: Custody
Chapter 12: Leverage
Chapter 13: Market Abuse
Stuart Willey, White and Case LLP

Chapter 14: Portfolio Assets
Chapter 15: Investment Funds
Chapter 16: UCITS Regulation
Chapter 17: UCITS Outside Europe
Christopher D. Christian, Dechert LLP, Boston
Chapter 18: Hedge Funds
Chapter 19: ETFS And Regulatory Issues in the United States
Stuart M. Strauss, Dechert LLP, New York
Chapter 20: Closed-Ended Private Equity Funds
Gus Black and Chris Gardner, Dechert LLP, London

Chapter 21: France
Olivier Dumas, Dechert, Paris
Chapter 22: Germany
Angelo Lercara and Martin Hüwel, Dechert, Munich
Chapter 23: US Regulation of Investment Management
Jennifer Wood, Dechert LLP, London
Chapter 24: US Regulation of Managed Futures – Commodity Trading Advisers and Commodity Pools
Matthew K. Kerfoot, Dechert LLP, New York
Chapter 25: Ireland
Michelle Moran, Dechert LLP, Dublin
Chapter 26: Luxembourg
Antonios Nezeritis, Dechert LLP, Luxembourg
Chapter 27: Hong Kong
Angelyn Lim, Dechert, Hong Kong