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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Smith & Thomas: A Casebook on Contract 13th ed isbn 9780414035324

Smith & Thomas: A Casebook on Contract 12th ed

ISBN13: 9781847034175
New Edition ISBN: 9780414035324
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421716908
Published: July 2009
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Smith & Thomas the leading Casebook on Contract Law for over 40 years, returns in a new edition under the respected authorship of Professor Roger Brownsword. Well known for the quality and authoritative nature of the analysis and comprehensive coverage of the law, Smith & Thomas illustrates the key elements of contract law.

The new edition has been updated to reflect current reform proposals and include coverage of the principles of European contract law. The accessibility of the text through the organisation of ideas and cases with the inclusion of questions at the end of cases and model answers makes this an ideal student text for all contract law courses.

Contract Law
Section 1: The Formation of a Contract;
Offer and Acceptance
The Duration of an Offer
Contract as an Agreement
Identity of Offeror and Offeree
intention to create Legal Relations
Section 2: Consideration and Privity of Contract;
Privity of Contract
Section 3: Obligations arising from the Contract and its Formation;
Statements made during negotiations for a Contract and their effect
Implied Terms
The nature and effect of Contractual Terms
Exclusion Clauses
Initial impossibility and mistake
Subsequent impossibility and frustration
Section 4: Rights and Remedies of the Injured Party;
Performance and Rescission
Section 5: Vitiating Factors;
Duress, Undue Influence and Inequality of Bargaining Power
Void and Illegal Contracts