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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Electronic Communications, Audiovisual Services and the Internet: EU Competition Law and Regulation 4th ed isbn 9780414060210

Telecommunications, Broadcasting and the Internet: EU Competition Law and Regulation 3rd ed

Edited by: Laurent Garzaniti, Matthew O'Regan

ISBN13: 9781847034151
New Edition ISBN: 9780414060210
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421851406
Published: July 2010
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The third edition of Telecommunications, Broadcasting and the Internet gives you a clear and comprehensive analysis of the EU regulations, directives and competition law within these sectors.

It examines in detail the major new communication regulation package of directives from the European Commission, explaining its provisions and showing how these work in practice.

  • Applies EU competition rules to telecommunications, broadcasting and the internet
  • Gives you practical commentary on each section of the regulation
  • Explains market definition in the telecoms sector, to help you to better assess products, competitors and geographic markets
  • Covers market conduct to ensure you are aware of its effects on the telecommunications sector
  • Discusses the application of the EC Treaty's State of Aid Rules
  • Considers the impact of the regulations of telecom mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and alliances
  • Provides commentary on the levels of interaction between competition rules and sector specific regulation
  • Analyses the impact of key judgements, such as the Microsoft, France Telecom, Wanadoo and Sony BMG
  • Contains workflow charts and tables of relevant cases in the appendices, showing you how regulations are applied in practice

Competition Law, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
The EU Regulatory Framework Applicable to Electronic Communications.
The EU Regulatory Framework Applicable to Broadcasting.
The EU Regulatory Framework for the Internet.
Overview of EU Competition Rules. Market Definition in the Telecommunications Sector. Market Conduct.
Application of State Aid Rules.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and other Alliances.
Interaction between the Competition Rules and Sector-Specific Regulation.