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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Set-Off and Netting, Derivatives, Clearing Systems 3rd ed: Volume 6 isbn 9780414044746

Set-Off and Netting, Derivatives, Clearing System 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781847032133
New Edition ISBN: 9780414044746
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421542705
Published: June 2007
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Volume 4 in the Law & Practice of International Finance Series

This volume examines set-off and netting, derivatives and clearing systems, providing a comparative overview of the law and practice in the key jurisdictions of the world.

  • Contains a worldwide comparative study of set-off and netting including a survey of special netting statutes globally
  • Provides outlines of set-off and netting agreements together with commentary, including group account netting
  • Surveys the types of derivatives and derivatives markets
  • Examines derivatives documentation
  • Provides clear outlines for swaps and derivatives transactions often muddled by imprecise jargon
  • Discusses the legal risks arising from derivatives
  • Analyses the ISDA master agreement
  • Deals with the law of securities settlement systems

Conflict of Laws, Banking and Finance
Part 1: Set-off and Netting
1. Principles of set-off and netting
2. Insolvency set-off and netting
3. Set-off between solvent parties
4. Set-off and netting Mutuality
5. Set-off against interveners: assignees, attaching creditors, undisclosed principals and others
6. Conflict of laws for set-off and netting
7. Special netting statutes
8. World summary of set-off and netting
9. Outlines of set-off and netting agreements and commentary

Part 2: Derivatives
10. Transactions Derivatives
11. Derivatives Markets
12. Documentation of Derivatives and the ISDA Forms
13. Legal Aspects of Derivatives

Part 3: Payment and Securities Clearing Systems
14. Structure and Operation of Payment Systems
15. Insolvency Risks and time of payment
16. Bank Liabilities in Payment Systems
17. Payment Systems and Conflict of Laws
18. Settlement Systems for Securities
19. EU Directives on Clearings