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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Principles of International Insolvency 3rd ed: Volume 1 isbn 9780414044708

Principles of International Insolvency 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781847032102
New Edition ISBN: 9780414044708
Previous Edition ISBN: 042154290X
Published: June 2007
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Volume 1 in the Law & Practice of International Finance Series

This volume provides the most comprehensive and advanced study of insolvency law and practice in the world, providing the reader with a comparative overview of the law and practice in nearly all the world’s jurisdictions. Together with detailed analysis of substantive bankruptcy laws in the world’s major jurisdictions and snapshots of insolvency laws worldwide, it contains comparative studies of:

  • Judicial reorganisations and plans
  • Private restructuring agreements and workouts
  • Liquidations
  • The liabilities of corporate directors and lender liability
  • Conflict of laws on insolvency, including the EU Insolvency Regulation and the UNCITRAL Model Law
  • Voidable preferences
  • Priorities, trusts and custodianship
  • The impact of insolvency on contracts and leases
  • Bank insolvencies and state insolvencies

Insolvency Law, Banking and Finance
Part 1: General
1. Introduction ;
2. Comparison of work-outs judicial rescues and liquidations

Part 2: Jurisdictions of the World
3. Legal families of the world;
4. Indicators of insolvency law ;
5. Anglo-American common law jurisdictions
6. Napoleonic jurisdictions
7. Roman-Germanic jurisdictions
8. Other groups of jurisdictions

Part 3: Insolvency Topics
9. Entry criteria for insolvency proceedings, stays on claimants;
10. Management of insolvency proceedings;
11. The bankruptcy ladder of priorities;
12. Bankrupts property and trusts, publicity;
13. Non-consensual trusts and tracing;
14. Security interests
15. Insolvency Set-off ;
16. Contracts, leases and forfeitures
17. Avoidance of preferences
18. Selected preference laws
19. Director liability ;
20. Shareholder and other third party liability

Part 4: Work-outs and reorganisations
21. Private restructuring agreements (work-outs)
22. Lender Liability
23. Judicial reorganisation plans

Part 5: Special debtors
24. Bank insolvencies
25. State insolvency
26. Insolvency of individuals and other debtors

Part 6: Conflict of laws
27. Insolvency conflict of laws: introduction and jurisdiction
27. Recognition of foreign insolvency stays and representatives;
28. Applicable law;
29. EU Insolvency Regulation and bank and insurance directives ;
30. UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency