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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Charities Acts Handbook 2024: A Practical Guide to the Charities Act isbn 9781784735036

Charities Acts Handbook: A Practical Guide to the Charities Act

Edited by: Julian Blake, Alice Faure Walker

ISBN13: 9781846615771
New Edition ISBN: 9781784735036
Published: November 2016
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Charities Acts Handbook is the latest guide to charity law from the specialist charity law team at Bates Wells Braithwaite.

This new volume contains expert commentary and analysis of the 1992 and 2011 Charities Acts together with the full text of both Acts, copies of relevant statutory instruments and signposts to possible future areas for reform.

For those who have found Stephen Lloyd’s Charities: The New Law an essential companion, this is the updated version – published with the benefit of eight years’ experience of how the law has been interpreted and applied in practice.

Of particular use will be the detailed chapter on the new legal form for charities, the Charitable Incorporated Organisation, and a new chapter on exempt charities.

The Handbook is an indispensable reference for lawyers, accountants, trustees and all those involved in the running and management of charities.

The Charity Commission
Charitable purposes and public benefit
Charity names
Remuneration of trustees
Powers of the Charity Commission
Challenging the Charity Commission
Charity investments
Permanent endowment
Regulation of charitable companies
Unincorporated charities
Regulation of fundraising
Professional fundraisers
Commercial participators
Scotland and Northern Ireland
Appendices (Charities Act 2011, Charities Act 2006, Charities Act 1992 and Selected Regulations)