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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Relocation: A Practical Guide 2nd ed isbn 9781784731687

Relocation: A Practical Guide

ISBN13: 9781846615047
New Edition ISBN: 9781784731687
Published: June 2013
Publisher: Family Law LexisNexis
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Relocation disputes arise between separated parents when one of them proposes to move to a different geographic location with their child and the other parent objects to the plan.

Whether the proposed move is within the United Kingdom or international, the consequence of either allowing or refusing a relocation application is usually of the greatest importance to the parents and children involved.

Relocation: A Practical Guide offers practitioners and parents a comprehensive handbook on the law and practice which is needed to successfully handle any relocation dispute, whether it ends up in court or not.

Written in an accessible style by a team of experienced specialists, Relocation: A Practical Guide explains the entire process of dealing with a relocation case. After a detailed discussion of both international and internal relocation law (including case examples and key summaries), the book moves step by step through the entire process of a case, from first discussions to final hearings and appeals.

Essential relocation cases and relevant Practice Directions are also contained in the appendices, making this an indispensable guide for anyone working in this complex and fast-changing area of law and practice.

Family Law
Introduction – Relocation: A Practical Guide

1. What Is Relocation?
- The context of relocation disputes
- Debates about relocation law
- Conclusions

2. Relocation Law
- Guidance in Family Law Cases
- International Relocation Law
- Internal relocation law

3. Bringing a Relocation Application: Things to Think About Before You Start
- Things to think about at the outset
- Considering the basics: when, where and why

4. Opposing a Relocation Application: Things to Think About Before You Start
- Things to think about at the outset
- Considering the alternatives
- Assessing the applicant parent’s proposals: what to look for
- The child’s wishes and feelings
- Talking to the other parent and trying to reach an agreement without litigation
- When to get help
- Case study

5. Bringing a Relocation Application
- Deciding whether to make a formal application
- Preparing an application
- Domestic violence
- From issue to the first hearing dispute resolution appointment
- The first hearing dispute resolution appointment
- Between the first hearing dispute resolution appointment and the Final Hearing
- CAFCASS / independent social worker
- The Final Hearing
- The court order
- After the Final Hearing

6. Opposing a Relocation Application
- Responding to an application
- Situations which are urgent
- After the application has been issued
- The first hearing dispute resolution appointment
- Setting out a case in response to a relocation application
- CAFCASS / independent social worker
- Pre-hearing review
- The Final Hearing
- After the Final Hearing

7. Temporary International Relocation
- Short temporary moves to EU and Hague Convention countries
- Short temporary moves to non-EU and non-Hague Convention countries
- Longer temporary removals
- Conclusion

8. Appeals
- The law on appeals
- Applying for permission to appeal
- Responding to an application for permission to appeal
- The hearing of appeals
- Second appeals

Appendix 1. Extracts from Key Legislative Provisions
Appendix 2. Extracts from Key Practice Directions
Appendix 3. Extracts from Key International Relocation Cases
Appendix 4. Extracts from Key Internal Relocation Cases
Appendix 5. Sample Materials
Appendix 6. Signatories to the 1980 and 1996 Hague Conventions