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The Manual of Employment Appeals 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781846613029
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781846610905
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

Written by two specialist employment lawyers, The Manual of Employment Appeals is for anyone who has lost an Employment Tribunal, it provides comprehensive information on the law and practice of employment appeals; from reviews of the Tribunal's decision, to the Employment Appeal Tribunal, the Court of Appeal, House of Lords, references to the ECJ and cases before the European Court of Human Rights.

The work is fully up-to-date to include the new Practice Direction (Employment Appeal Tribunal Procedure) 2008 and recent cases, thereby ensuring that practitioners have key resources to hand and can advise on their application. Practical advice on drafting Grounds of Appeal and on jurisdictional issues is also provided and the main statutory materials are reproduced with useful precedents and key case summaries.

This work will:

    Provide practical step-by-step guidance and analysis Explain the strict rules of procedure and the consequences if they are breached Contain complete advice in one volume on the various aspects of the Employment Appeal Tribunal Essential for established employment lawyers and those with less experience. Includes full text of statutes and precedents on an accompanying CD-ROM.
Covers everything you will need to know if you lose in the Employment Tribunal.

Employment Law, Courts and Procedure
Review by the Employment Tribunal
Employment Appeal Tribunal
The Court of Appeal
The House of Lords
References to the European Court of Justice
The European Convention forthe Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 and taking acase to the European Court of Human Rights
Grounds of Appeal
The Employment Appeal Tribunal's Jurisdiction, Constitution and Powers
Key Case Summaries

Review in the Employment Tribunals
The Employment Appeal Tribunal
The Court of Appeal
The House of Lords and Supreme Court
References to the European Court of Justice
The European Court of Human Rights

Series: Jordan Publishing Employment Law

Costs in Employment Tribunals 2nd ed ISBN 9781846618390
Published October 2014
LexisNexis Butterworths
Family Rights at Work: A Guide to Employment Law ISBN 9781846611964
Published February 2012
LexisNexis Butterworths
Jordan Publishing Employment Law Precedents ISBN 9781846611032
Published March 2009
LexisNexis Butterworths
Out of print
Equal Pay: Law and Practice ISBN 9781846610882
Published February 2009
LexisNexis Butterworths
The Manual of Employment Appeals ISBN 9781846610905
Published October 2008
LexisNexis Butterworths
Out of print