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Shareholder Claims

ISBN13: 9781846612961
Published: March 2012
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £289.00

Despatched in 3 to 5 days.

Shareholders throughout the world are becoming more assertive in the establishment of their rights against companies and directors. As a result, the law is developing throughout Europe and America to make it easier for shareholders to assert their rights by bringing claims in front of the court.

Recent cases have seen both institutional shareholders (such as pension funds) and groups of individual shareholders start to take action. Shareholder Claims provides practical guidance on the statutory derivative claims introduced under the Companies Act 2006, and in addition sets out the equivalent procedure in other jurisdictions. It is suitable for both shareholders taking action and companies defending themselves.

Shareholder Claims addresses the various class action procedures for bringing shareholder claims. Increasingly we are seeing that shareholder litigation cases have a multi-jurisdictional aspect to them. This book looks in detail at each jurisdiction’s approach, including examination of recent case-law and legislation, and ensures you are aware of the different procedures in each area.

It allows any lawyer advising a group of shareholders to assess which jurisdiction’s procedure would be more favourable to the shareholders. Accordingly it will also assist companies who must be able to defend themselves against such actions in any jurisdiction.

Company Law
United Kingdom
United States
Isle of Man
Caribbean Offshore Jurisdictions (Bermuda, Cayman Islands, BVI).