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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Ashton & Reid on Clubs and Associations 3rd ed isbn 9781526505163

Ashton & Reid on Clubs and Associations 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781846612510
New Edition ISBN: 9781526505163
Previous Edition ISBN: 0853088497
Published: March 2011
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The diverse range of legal issues that can arise in the course of a club or associations activities present difficulties for those advising clubs, with problems ranging from interpretation of club rules to sex and disability discrimination. Legal issues like these can span employment law, property law, taxation, company law, licensing and litigation.

Ashton & Reid on Clubs and Associations is the definitive guide to the legal framework in which clubs and associations operate, bringing together the various strands of law to provide practical legal advice for clubs and their advisers.

This new edition has been fully updated to cover important new case-law and recent legislative developments including:-

  • Companies Act 2006
  • Charities Act 2006
  • Gambling Act 2005
  • Co-operative and Community Societies and Credit Unions Act 2010
  • Equality Act 2010
In addition, the work includes a full set of Model rules as well as other useful material in the appendices.

Company Law
1. The formation and dissolution of a club
Formation of the club
The club’s constitution or rules
Dissolution of the club

2. Internal relationships: the club and its members
Admission into the club
Management of the club’s affairs
Meetings of club members
Cessation and curtailment of membership
Ownership of the club’s property
Supply and sale of alcohol by the club
Entertainment provided by the club
Gaming and lotteries run by the club

3. External relationships: the club and third parties
The club’s civil liability to third parties
Landlord and tenant relationships involving the club
The club’s employment of third parties
The club’s responsibility for crime
Third party challenges to the club’s decisions
The club’s liability for tax and non-domestic rates

4. Clubs as parties in civil proceedings

5. Appendices
Selected statutory provisions
Model articles of association 2008
Model rules for members’ clubs
Specimen notice of meeting and agenda
Specimen minutes of meeting
Tax table re sports clubs.