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Anti-Social Behaviour Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781846611629
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781846610028
Published: July 2011
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £120.00

Despatched in 2 to 4 days.

Anti-social Behaviour Law is a leading work dealing with all aspects of anti-social behaviour, suitable for a wide-range of professionals working with this area.

This new edition considers the likely impact of the Criminal Justice Act 2008 as well as the ongoing operation of existing legislation, together with recent case-law and other developments such as government guidance.

Anti-social Behaviour Law covers both general powers to deal with anti-social behaviour and specific powers to tackle particular problems. There are sections dedicated to landlords’ and landowners’ remedies, the maintenance of the local environment, and the difficult issue of dealing with children and parents. Useful appendices include up-to-date statutory provisions, a list of ASBO prohibitions, and government guidance and relevant websites.

Essential reading for solicitors and barristers specialising in this area of law, professionals dealing with anti-social behaviour issues in local authorities, RSLs and housing trusts, the police, Youth Offending Teams and schools.

Criminal Law
General Issues
Relevat bodies, powers and duties
Considerations when taking action
Evidential considerations and enforcing
General Powers for Dealing with Anti-social Behaviour
Criminal law: offences, penalty notices and powers of police, community support officers and accreditation persons
Anti-social Behaviour Orders
Protection form Harassment
Section 222 Injunctions
Landlords' and Landowners' Remedies and Nuisance/Misuse of Land
Landlords' remedies
Landowners' remedies
Noise, other nuisances and environmental health
Remedies specifically for children and young persons
Remedies agains parents
Education remedies: schools and Local Education Authorities
Specific Remedies
Abandoned vehicles and shopping trolleys
Alcohol and drunkenness
Litter, flytipping and household waste
Motor vehicles and bicycles
Obstruciotn on the highway and annoyances in the street
Government guidance and useful websites
List of ASBO prohibitions
Statutory Materials