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Pre-Nuptial and Cohabitation Agreements

ISBN13: 9781846610950
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Publication Abandoned

In the aftermath of leading cases such as White and Miller & McFarlane, many high net worth spouses are keen to minimise the share to which their ex-spouse might be entitled in the event of divorce, and are therefore increasingly using pre-marital agreements.

Pre-Marital Agreements provides the practitioner with comprehensive guidance on the drafting of such agreements, when consulted before marriage; and upon their effectiveness, and the relevant case-law, when they are relied upon in subsequent ancillary relief proceedings.

Family Law
Use of pre-marital agreements
The relevant case-law and judicial attitudes
Drafting pre-marital agreements
Practical issues/tips