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Welfare Law Looseleaf

ISBN13: 9781845928308
ISBN: 184592830X
Published: June 1999
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf
Price: Out of print
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £225.00

Original Butterworths isbn - 0406996601
Welfare Law guides the reader through the maze of welfare benefits and allowances, ensuring that all factors are taken into account when making assessments and formulating advice. In looseleaf format, it keeps subscribers up to date with the regular changes in benefit entitlement, classification and calculation.

The work enables the reader to identify exactly which welfare benefits are due to a client in a particular situation. Additional information provides explanation of how entitlement may be backdated and how to appeal against a decision and will help the subscriber satisfy the requirements of the Legal Services Commission under the franchising system.

The work includes a description of each benefit with clear explanation of how to calculate its value, worked examples illustrating complicated and typical situations and accompanying flowcharts and checklists. Thorough cross-referencing between benefits highlights how receipt of one benefit may affect entitlement to another. It also supplies practical advice on day-to-day procedure.

It is kept up to date with special budget bulletins.Two looseleaf volumes, subscribers receive their first year's updating issues as par

Social Security and Welfare Law, Looseleaf Work
Introductory materials.
Division A - Income support.
Division AI - Jobseeker's Allowance.
Division B - Non-means tested - sickness.
Statutory sick pay.
Incapacity benefit.
Maternity benefits.
Division C - Non-means tested - non disability.
Contributory Job Seeker's Allowance.
Widows benefits.
Invalid care allowance.
Retirement Pension.
Division D - Means tested - in work.
Family credit.
Disability working allowance.
Division E - Non-means tested - disability.
Disability living allowance care component.
Disability living allowance mobility component.
Attendance allowance.
Severe disablement allowance.
Disablement benefit.
Division F - Non-means tested - children.
Child benefit.
Guardian's allowance.
Division G - Means tested - housing.
Housing benefit.
Council tax benefit.
Division H - Claims, overpayments, appeals.
Division I - Miscellaneous