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A Practitioner's Guide to Legacies

ISBN13: 9781845927233
ISBN: 1845927230
Previous Edition ISBN: 0754514544
Published: May 2003
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Original isbn - 0754514544
Endorsed by the Institute of Legacy Management, this is an essential handbook for organisations and individuals routinely involved in the collection of legacies. Designed as a beneficiaries' guide, it serves as a useful source of reference by providing a clear explanation of the law relating to the administration process, providing readers with sufficient depth of legal knowledge to appreciate and understand the process which may determine how much they will receive and when.

Charities, Wills and Probate
1. Introduction.
2. Types of legacies.
3. Settled legacies.
4. Vesting and class closing.
5. General principles of construction.
6. Beneficiaries' rights.
7. Variation.
8. Failure.
9. Charitable legacies.
10. Legacies to unincorporated associations.
11. Secret and half secret trusts.
12. Appropriation and payment.