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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Corporate Fraud: Prevention and Detection 2nd ed isbn 9781847662873

Corporate Fraud: Prevention and Detection

ISBN13: 9781845925994
ISBN: 1845925998
New Edition ISBN: 9781847662873
Published: July 2002
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Original isbn - 0754512983
The Financial Times (14.09.00) reported that 40 per cent of all internet purchases from retailers are fraudulent and that the problem is spiralling out of control. In the workplace, too, fraud is on the rise.The average company loses between 2 and 5 per cent of its turnover each year to fraud - and the risk to businesses of falling victim to some form of corporate fraud is almost 100 per cent. Yet most companies do little if anything about it - and if they do, their actions tend to frustrate police efforts.

This new book provides a step-by-step guide to detecting fraud and sets out the most effective counter-measures you can take. Written for the non-specialist, Corporate Fraud puts solid forensic accounting skills into plain English, making the title an important addition to the library of any Accountant or Finance Director.

Why fraud is important
What is corporate fraud
The directors' role
The duty of directors
The role and requirements of corporate governance
The risk of fraud and how to reduce it
Internal controls to tackle fraud
Creating the right environment for fraud prevention
Procurement fraud
Debtors frauds
Payroll and expenses fraud
Investment fraud
What is money laundering
Insolvency fraud
Sector fraud
Hotel and Leisure
Public sector fraud
Professional firms and investment businesses
Technology to fight fraud
The external auditor's role
The internal auditor's role
What to do on discovering a fraud
The Turnbull report - a summary of the requirements
Charity commission risk register (st copyright)
SAS 110 (st copyright)
Example of an external auditor's risk assessment
Example of internal audit testing schedule
What to do if you suspect a fraud
Criminal offences which may be used in fraud cases
Fraud Healthcheck
Example fraud policy and response plan
HM treasury short fraud policy (st copyright)
Websites with further information on fraud