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International Commercial Litigation 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781845925888
ISBN: 1845925882
Published: March 1997
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Park and Cromie: International Commercial Litigation focuses on national commercial litigation in its international context. England and Wales, USA, France, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Australia and Canada are all covered, with the book being structured in such a way that the procedural and substantive law of each country is covered in equal depth. A team of international contributors analyses the factors which must be taken into consideration in choosing the forum and how to proceed after that choice has been made.

The conduct of simultaneous proceedings in the various countries and how decisions may be enforced in the light of relevant bilateral and multilateral conventions (in particular the Brussels, Lugano and Hague Conventions) are also covered.

Part A: Choice of forum. Will the court accept jurisdiction? Attractiveness of the forum - procedure. Attractiveness of the forum - substantive law. Enforceability of judgments. Lawyers. Choice of law. Part B: Procedure after choice of forum. Interlocutory relief. Obtaining evidence for use elsewhere. Service of process. Simultaneous proceedings in various countries. Enforcement of judgments. Part C: European Court of Justice. Appendices.